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Happy. New. Year.

2021, here we come… But first. I have a sneaking feeling many of us are ready to say goodbye to 2020 in a big, triumphant, exaggerated way.

While we shouldn’t be wishing away our days and precious time on Earth School, can you blame us? This year has tested us all in ways we could have never conceived.

We’ve all been affected this year, whether it was a job loss, a health scare, a relationship breakdown, changes in the home environment, or being separated from the places and people we love.

Without further ado, here is my wish for us all for 2021…

May we learn the concept of delayed gratification.

May the new year be filled with highs, hugs and handshakes (no more elbow taps, please).

May we smile at strangers.

May we trust our bodies’ innate ability to heal, repair and regenerate.

May we appreciate every single second with loved ones.

May we learn to be at peace in our own company.

May we count our daily blessings.

May we keep in touch with family and friends, no matter the distance.

May we hug again (did I mention that?).

In times of uncertainty, stress, challenge and turmoil, may we remember to pay attention to the miracles, the positive, the goodness, the blessings, the abundance all around. May we mindfully seek the silver linings, wherever life takes us, no matter what life throws at us.

May 2021 be a safe + healthy year filled with peace, love and joy.

Happy New Year.


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